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Name Hospital Specialty Address City, State, Zip Phone Fax NPI
Brassine, Megan, FNP Adventist Health Portland Family Nurse Practitioner One University Blvd. La Grande, OR 97850 (541)962-3524 (541)962-3825 1780046995
Carlson, Misty, MD Adventist Health Portland Pediatric Cardiology 612 Sunset Dr. La Grande, OR 97850 (503)494-8417 (503)494-4455 1083824031
Elder, Virginia, FNP Adventist Health Portland Family Nurse Practitioner One University Blvd. La Grande, OR 97850 (541)962-3524 (541)962-3825 1235215229
Free-Stouder, Mellisa, FNP,AGACNP Adventist Health Portland Family Nurse Practitioner One University Blvd. La Grande, OR 97850 (541)962-3524 (541)962-3825 1861042707
Kelly, Brendan, MD Adventist Health Portland Pediatric Cardiology 612 Sunset Dr. La Grande, OR 97850 (503)494-8417 (503)494-4455 1033233192
Reller, Mark, MD Adventist Health Portland Ped Cardiology 612 Sunset Dr. La Grande, OR 97850 (503)494-8417 (503)494-4455 1972548469
Silberbach, Gary, MD Adventist Health Portland Ped Cardiology 612 Sunset Dr. La Grande, OR 97850 (503)494-8417 (503)494-4455 1649285149
Wiggins, Heather, FNP Adventist Health Portland Family Nurse Practitioner One University Blvd. La Grande, OR 97850 (541)962-3524 (541)962-3825 1053708545


 How to find a provider for members residing outside of California


   Populate the search criteria above to find an Adventist Health provider.


 Oregon/Washington members (Includes Corporate members residing in OR and WA):

   Tier One providers must meet one of the following criteria: 


   Tier Two providers must meet the following criteria: 

   *If traveling outside of Oregon, utilize the First Health PPO network.


 All other states (All members residing outside of CA, OR and WA):

   Tier One providers must meet one of the following criteria: 


   Tier Two providers must meet the following criteria: 


   Loma Linda Medical Center and Loma Linda Medical Center-Murietta are considered Adventist Health facilities for medical benefits purposes. 

Unless otherwise stated, all text & images © Adventist Health 2018. All Rights Reserved.